

Simple onboarding process

1. Call us now to arrange a free consultation
Talk through your current situation with one of our friendly team. They will provide relevant advice, discuss funding options and help you decide which care service could work best for you – live-in, respite, companionship, dementia etc.

2. We call you at an arranged time for your consultation
Your dedicated Account Manager will call you at a convenient time, to complete a ‘Care Appraisal’. This details your wants, needs and conditions.

3. The matching process
Once we have completed your ‘Care Appraisal’ our matching team then work with you and your family to help find the best CAREPal for you. That means regular discussion between all parties to ensure a perfect match is found for you.

4. Choose your CAREPal
Once we have helped match the perfect CAREPal, we will send over a photographic profile detailing the carers background, skills and experience. In most circumstances you will get to meet the CAREPal in person or via telephone, to ensure that you are happy with the selection before the live-in care begins.

5. CAREPal arrives and trial week commences
Once the CAREPal arrives, you and your family will have a no strings trial week to be completely sure that the live-in care works for you.